228 - VOTE FOR US!

If you have streaming issues, update your Flash player.
Versions 9.0.115 and 9.0.124 should work fine.
Heard some sexy music in the movie?
Then head down to OC Remix to hear more!
(a full tracklist with links to the songs shall be posted when the contest is over)
ahahaha !
That video was a lot of fun to watch. The beginning had me laughing the most. Having played both sides, I thought it was pretty funny and twistedly acurate, with the alliance planning and charging off on their own and the horde just goofing off. I know you all had to follow the same script, but the way you portrayed it was great. I can't tell you how many times I stood waiting for WSG to start, with my cow hunter laughing at the other cows spinning in place, and the random B Elves jumping around like kids on an overdose of pixie sticks! ^^
Great work all! It was good to have a nice laugh and a good time after a hard Monday of work. =)
P.S. Poor Oli, the one shots were painfully funny to watch.
My best wishes for the contest!
gnar, am I the only one who has no audio with these mp4 streams? :S
BSM: tried updating your Flash player?
sacre bleu! XDD
thanks soosdon, it worked with the newest flash player and of course I voted for you :)
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