240 - Have you seen us?

I heard a rumor from Olibith that there is a reference to me in WOTLK. I have not been able to confirm this, but he had heard that there is a npc referring to me in Valgarde.
The closest thing I found was a human male (ewww) named Baron von Ssaldsfsfjhskjfhfkjhfsdkj (don't remember the last name). He seems to be a quest giver but the quest is greyed out to me so no more leads on that.
But if he gives a quest which is told in rickrollform or involves murloc killing - that's our guy!
But for a fact I can confirm that there is references to Oxhorn and Olibith for sure in Lich King. Thus, those two are immortal now!

In case you spot a murderous gnome female, an orc warlock in t5 planning murloc genocide (plus rickrolls) or a screamo belf who likes to kick males there where it hurts the most - lemme know!
I thought, that grrwrlwrlrgwrl quest is your reference? :0
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