261 - WoW Model Viewer needs your help!
As some of you may know, the WotLK patch "broke" both of the model and map viewers for WoW.
The old model viewer works fine if you remembered to back up a copy of old WoW, namely the version 2.4.3.

There is a fan-update of WoW model viewer which makes it somewhat compatible with WotLK-WoW.
The bad news are that it is very bugged (animations go mmrgrllrwrrwrl) and making machinima with it is somewhere between annoying -> impossible with it.
So, if someone with MAD CODING SK1LLZ is reading this, please head to the WoW model viewer forums.
Get some source code and make the entire WoW artist/machinima company vvveeery happy by fixing our #1 tool of the trade!
I still survive with the old model viewer, but there are too many cool things in WotLK which need to be used in machinimas.
I agree, there should be more stuff from WOTLK that should be shown...
I really hope for the sake of our entertainment someone fixes this =)
Yes, I've been reading your blog a little as a lurker, big fan of the videos, etc.
I've taken a look at the forum you've linked to. It's been a while since I coded in c++ (I got promoted), but I promised I'd take a look. Having said that, there are some problems that need to be overcome first:
First up, the registration mechanism at the forum you linked is b0rked, so I can't register there and reply to the thread with my suggestions
Secondly, we need to get an SVN up and running as soon as possible. WMV is made up of a fair number of source files. If we get a handful of coders working on it (which is the aim) we need to have a way of making sure we're all working on the latest version of each of those files. It also means that you don't duplicate work as much, and that we can check eachothers fixes. I can help with getting an SVN set up. Maybe a wiki off the back of it to discuss file formats/codebase changes would help too - again, I can help with this.
I'd love to be able to help get the machinima groups moving again, and if fixing this tool will help then I'll do what I can. Even if I can't fix the code myself though, I can provide a framework and tools to make sure that other coders can, and that we're less likely to get stuck with stale development.
Hope this all helps.
If an update came out while someone was trying his best to fix it, I'd feel pretty damn sorry for the guy. However, I don't think an update will be here anytime soon. Whoever fixes the Fan BETA will be a hero to all Machinimators! For now I'm reinstalling WoW to 2.4.3 and yeah its a pain in the ass!
I can help you guys out with the "latest" known sources for both wowmodelviewer and mapviewer (working with 3.0.x with minor bugs)
Just send me a mail to wowexplored@gmail.com.
If you manage to get a working SVN up, I'll contribute some stuff. Was working with the M2/ADT etc fileformats for quite some time and have working tools for 3.0.x.
Curio @ WoWExplored: Sounds great! I'm no admin at the WoW model viewer forums but I copypasted your replies to a thread about the subject there. I hope it sets something in motion :)
i approve this initiative.
OK, I'll it sorted this weekend. Shouldn't take long for me to get up and running. I'll have a think on the wiki as well - it might be an idea to use the one at wowdev.org instead. Not sure how up to date it is though
So, Curio, wazzup? Did you get around to that SVN / Wiki thingy?
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