Invaders must die!
My machinimaking PC has been invaded by spawns of Xenu! It started with a mysterious WoW crash, then came the blue space waves and now this..
Everything got deleted. All machinima projects and mp3s.
Even the murloc pornog-- oh, nevermind, I did not say anything.

I lied about the files. They are safe!
Oh well, I guess it's time to buy a new gfx card - if that is the problem. Testing and making sure tomorrow.
If it is not, then I foresee a huge delay with all machinima releases. This is the first omen of the apocalypse - next step is being forced into an airplane which is gonna be stuffed into a volcano.
"Shit happens" said the fly to the priest.
I accidentally your whole computer!
Make sure it's not an over-heating issue first ;) That can often make it look like it's FUBAR, but sometimes simply making sure the heatsink/fan is on correctly can save you a lot of hassle (and money.)
maybe you ´ve got some murlocs in your computer o.O
just open it , if you hear the grwlgrwl you know its a murloc family !
good luck with your pc ;) i hope too its your gfx ;)
your machinimas have to be released on their correct date :)
here I was thinking you meant the new Prodigy...
BTW going to see them here in Miami, FL USA for Ultra along with Pendulum and a bunch of others!
That looks a lot like a video card suicide my friend.
I had a problem that was somewhat similar except in my case it was my monitor that was the problem ( is a pic of it) - but it might be the gfx card in your case, you never know.
Hope you get it fixed soon!
The forces of xenu is abroad, repent mindless souls. REPENT or be forever lost in the volcano of hot roasting molten lava. bwhahahahahahaha .
@ Spooner: I partially did + I am jealous! I wanna see Prodigy too :)
Well anyways, the new gfx card - Ati HD4870 should be here tomorrow or monday.
are you sill having this problem ? cause me and a friend of mine have this problem too. first i thought it was patch 308 that causes that, because we both had id nearly the same time, but your post is from january 12 so that can't be it.
by the way, we both have different computers but both are very powerful and not older than 1 year. the newest grafik card drivers didn't help and we can exclude any temperature related issues.
if you already solved your "Murloc-Invasion" please let us know how you did this
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