Taking the big step!
I've finally done it and moved on.
The time has come for me to start using After Effects for doing all the compositing work in my future movies.

I don't know why I did not use it before, but now the time felt correct. Maybe, because there is something big being on the horizon :)

AE is absolutely amazing compared to Vegas in terms of tools and all that jazz. AE loves to crash a lot, but it also just does some things so amazingly better than Vegas. No need to turn back at all!
Click here for a bit bigger version.
(This is an actual scene from the machinima)
I started to work on a music video. It's gonna be very surrealistic and all, so I can go crazy with all the effect hoodoo within AE.
The tutorials at Video Copilot are very useful, but I really do not want to copy the things shown on the tutorials 1:1. In my case that might not be entirely possible as there is a LOT to learn.
This current work-in-progress movie is good "target practice" for Unpuntable 2 and something still unannounced.
I've completed the first minute of this video and it is nothing but composited scenes of WoW / Unreal Tournament 2004 + 3 footage. It has taken long :)
The next set of screenshots will be made available to you when the next minute is done.
The flying machine clip was gorgeous.
I knew you would dive deep in After Effects !!!
Looking excellent !
"and something still unannounced"
Nikita the Movie - biggest Machinima Project ever, will also be shown in Cinema worldwide ? orsomethinglikethis :D
Go Baron - and give the cute Gnome in Unpuntable 2 a voice! :P
That's what they say..
Small step for one man.
Calina: I wish I could say that it's the Nikita movie but it's not. It is impossible for me to create a fully acted Nik movie with the current technology and my skills.
But as I dive deeper into the depths AE, I guess we have a big chance of seeing the world's most evil gnomette in action. Someday, in the far far future.
Oh, that gnome in UP2 is not gonna get a voice. It won't fit the character. She can make noises, but not say anything.
Not even a small end line like 'And stay dead' or something gnomlike - c'mon baron, you know you waaaant it :D
Kehitys on aina mahdollista, vain mielikuvitus rajana. Itellä se raja tulee todella nopeasti vastaan jo tikku-ukon piirtämisessä.
Ulmiina: Kehitys loppuu just siihen paikkaan jos äiti niin käskee :( Sitten ei ole asiaa edes ulkomaille.
Good that you've moved on to AE. I will never turn back to Vegas since I improved alot when I started using AE. Videocopilot got a many helpful tutorials and when I just learned how to use AE I was like copycat ftw but now I try to be as creative as possible to not copy anything. Yet you should watch thier tutorials for the techniques since they are often helpful. Anyway looking forward to your next vid! :D BTW Baron i'm very supprised that you mainly used Vegas earlier since your videos are mentally awesome :O.
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"AE loves to crash a lot"
Using AE on a PC is like a girl using a strap on dildo to try and make a baby, it is just NOT how it was all designed for! Get a Mac and do it RIGHT Mr! AE integrates in a beautiful dovetail with Final Cut Pro etc! You will never look back, and you will kick yourself for not having done it earlier! :) go go go Mac!
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