Not Photoshopped.
5.7K+ YouTube subscribers.
Gone in an instant. *poof*
Without no e-mail explaining why.
I have sent an inquiry to YouTube via their extrefuckingmely-hard-to-find complaint form. Oh wait, that is actually not a complaint form - you could just tick some boxes. If this was a copyright problem, I thought they'd just disable the video in question and/or send a notification about it.

Search function is your friend, so I used it! A lot of other users have the same issue as well, accoutn shut down without any warnings before or after.
This has to be said first - I am not emoing, raging or angry at the moment. Just extremely, EXTREMELY disappointed. Hell, I'm not even drunk.
I always thought that I would quit (WoW) machinima on my own terms, when I want, when I had achieved enough and made all the movies that had to be made. Therefore, I have made this decision: if I am not getting my YouTube account back, World of Gnomecraft 2.0 will be the last WoW-machinima you will ever see from me.

The reason for this is just the p0w3r of teh internets. Using all those subscribers is (was?) a good thing to get the word out of new videos and other stuf..
Making a new account is not an option, there is just no way to get those subscribers back. Sucks - but life does that a lot apparently :)
If this is the universes way of saying "lol go on, find another engine" - so be it!
This may be a goodbye to WoW-moviemaking, but not to machinima or video editing in general.
We shall see. I just want an explanation from them.
I guess this is it then!

I'm not giving up that easily, I did reply to this mail though - hoping for a reply.
Update 2!
Almost forgot about the unfinished stuff while mrgrlglrglrl'ing to YouTube. Let's go through them in order
The Palest Horse - definitely not cancelled! Almost every voice has been recorded and I'm ready to move on with this. Even if this YouTube drama is means the end for my music videos and stuff like that, I sure as hell am not going to quit without making at least one full-length plot machinima.
The Ballad of XT-002: Very Bad Toys - after the YT drama, I don't know. Probably not. I did come up with some great ideas for the unfilmed parts, but I can live without finishing this movie.
There are also two other unfinished machinimas on my HD, which I think I'll release as they are. I haven't touched those two in months.
In case YouTube was the only way for you to watch my machinimas, no worries! Almost all of them are stored elsewhere on the interenets.
Are you serious ? Well, in fact I don't really care, all we need is Soosdon-moviemaking, WoW or not !
Uh, yes, it's the first time I write something here, even if, since the Unlimited Escapisms' releases, you're my favorite movie maker of all time - OF ALL TIME ! So, huh... after the usual "your work is amazing and wonderful, I love you, blah blah", I've to say : go on, for the love of C'thulhu, murloc-slaying, and this dear rolling Rick !
Greetings from France, the magical country of pervy and turban-wearing gnomes.
I am very serious about this. If I gotta start over, I might as well do that with a new game!
New game ? MMO or not ? :p
Anyway, they probably banned you for broadcasting your own movies, rotfl !
There's lots of options!
StarCraft II looms on the horizon - the videos and samples shown about it's editor were very impressive.
DragonAge: Origins - Bioware has released dev tools for it, which include making machinima.
I have always been interested in Source Engine, but I never took the time to hunt for tutorials and stuff on how to actually use it.
Dragon Age contains really nice scenes, so I think the editor's indeed able to provide huge opportunities !
Did you have warnings prior?
Maybe it was the naked gnomes that did it, that's all I can think of.
My kingdom for pitchforks, burning pieces of wood and an army of OVER 9000 GNOMES!
Very bad form from Youtube... You do NOT treat your users like this.
Hope you get your account back Soos. If not, I'll still keep following you around :)
I'm not sure I even I understand why it got shut down...
But we can still subscribe to the Baron's channel (even if YouTube is being a dick):
this makes me very sad :( . you and olibith are the main reasons i still play this game.
Second life? -Kate
Youtube vittu mitä paskaa saatana.
i was like WTF!! when i tried to go to ur profile QQ
omg .......... this is worse than someone dieing .......*rage* !!!!11!111!!
so all ur vids r gone , where can i download them in HQ ?
i want to say something about you quiting the wow machinima... It sucks they banned your account but there are more video sites then YouTube, vimeo, warcraft movies or upload em to i mean its like you say: "FUCK YOU WOW MACHINIMA FANS". just because YouTube banned your account it doesnt mean the end of the world... And if those 5.7K subscribers are really fans they come to your blog and follow you everywhere...
All the vids are and always have been on other sites. YouTube was the most valuable of the bunch because it was the best way for me to reach the most of the people.
The other sites (nothign wrong with them) are more gamer-oriented, but YouTube was best for reaching a wider audience.
But tbh, all this drama has inspired me to think about making a satire about all this weird and fucked up world with DRMs, pirates and copyright fascists.
Soosdon what hapened to ur Machinema show "no life"?
I don't work for anymore, so that show does not exist.
why ? ... it was awsome...
.. In the mountains!
A part of me just died. :(
WTB Emotional goodbye machinima
Although quitting WoW was one of the best things I ever did, you're too damn talented to just give up making machinima.
Look, if you're doing it just to say "Oh, look at me I have x amount of subscribers!" then there's something wrong. I have always made machinima for myself, to prove to myself that I can do it. Hell, I only have 360 subscribers on YouTube and I'm more than content.
It's never about the fame and recognition, especially with the kind of work you do. It's all about the work, the imagination and fucking huge amounts of talent that you have. If you're happy with your work, than that's all that matters.
There are dozens of video hosting sites out there you could use. Even just putting the videos on WarcraftMovies is more than enough.
You inspired me to be a better model changer, a better machinimaker. And even without YouTube you will still be able to reach people like me and inspire them once again.
Whether it be in WoW or not,
"Good luck on your future endeavors!"
Sno is SO damn right Soos.
Youtube is just a fast food, what happened to you might and certainly will happen to all of us. Vimeo is going the same way, greedy copyright fascists will never stop and will have more and more ways to shit in our boots.
WoW is great for machinimas and I never saw any other game/software inspiring me as much as WoW does, mostly because of the terrible animations and the shitty faces you can see in most machinimas.
I think you should take a few days to think about this and then decide if it really deserve that you change your way of making movies. I don't think it does and I think most of your fans think alike.
Meh, leave it to YT. I am not surprised they do crap like this.
u said it Olibith.
ps cant w8 for ur new movie xD
well i can but i want it !! !1111 1
"We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand channels or ...delete your account like real bastards...
Is what I read
I've been really thinking and I totally stand by my decision. All this has lead me to feel that I want to reinvent the ways I make machinima, to have a fresh start with absolutely new and ways to work with.
If I'd want to "sell out", ie. make machinima based on popularity - that would be so easy. I'd just switch to making both blood elf rap AND crappy pop song parodies.
What ever I decide to do next concerning machinima, it will be on my own terms.
And as for getting out of WoW as a machinima platform, I've been wanting and thinking about that for a long while. Making sci-fi is something that I really, REALLY have always wanted to make and WoW ain't the best tool for that.
I've never made a movie with a message, but this incident convinced me to turn an idea I've had for a long time into reality.
We all are getting too much shit in the form of DRM and pointless restrictions which in the end turn against the people who make them. I'll rant more about this when I get to the actual machinimaking!
Baron.. do anything u want kidnap children ! kill people yust dont make blood elf rap ... we dont need more of those
Whaaaaat the heccccck?!
Dude. What.
They are going crazy. Ive always had problems with them because all of my machinima are music videos so a lot of my audio is taken down from copyright issues... which pretty much destroys the machinima. But now this? With no reason? It's like "Here read this. The reason is in there." A f*cking riddle?! Youtube has just turned into a f*cking Batman villain.
You have no idea how sad I am about this.
Well i will miss your WoW machinima's but ill follow you around and see with what you come up next ;)
Good Luck!
PLease don't drop XT i've been waiting since dec to see ya finish it i check every week I've watched ya since escapism 3 and have always admired your work
i dunno if ur subscribers are gone u still show up in my subscription box xD
But you forget to add this movie...
"U Drive Me Crazy"
that was one of my first movie i fav. on youtube :(
I'm pretty sure that "U Drive Me Crazy" is available on at least one of the video sites listed on the main post.
Hello everyone! I do not know where to begin but hope this site will be useful for me.
Hope to get some assistance from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
This is just utterly ridicilous... God damn the greedy bastards...
it can seem like they have restored your account mate, at least i could get into it and diddent get the "this account has been suspended" message
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What I heard on the gossip mill is that Baron Soosdon got caught up in Youtube's recent anti Rick-Roll sweep that made the news. They have since reversed course on that decision and thus the account is back as well.
Keep on keeping on Baron, Love your Vids no matter what game they are from.
It's Back ! =)
just one thing
I _NEVER_ used "youtube" to discover Soosdon, Olibith or Gnomechewer (I could play wow only to see the settings of Gnomechewer's movies :) )
my point is : youtube is NOT that useful to be known.
Damn man, I'm so sorry, that REALLY sucks. You have me freaking out now :(
hate to see you leave the WoW machinima world!
@Oxhorn: The account has been back for some days now! Though I still want to make more machinima in other engines :)
Damn why?U did nothing wrong.. btw i can still view ur channel so i can watch ur old videos but i hope u dont quit theres always other sites normally i watch ur machinima at
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