Destruction, Rebirth, Dead Murloc
The YouTube account drama takes an unexpected twist and turn, as the account seems to have been restored for now.

But still, I haven't changed my mind. Something new must become out of all this!
I'm not sure what the future will bring, but I'm playing with the thought that World of Gnomecraft 2.0 will be the last movie I release on this particular YT account. I am not planning to get rid of the BaronSoosdon alias or anything.
"Nublock Movies" on the other hand is expendable.
The best thing about all this DRAMAH is the inspiration it gave me. It's been an eternity since I've gotten an idea for a voice-acted machinima with a plot.. Especially for one which has all three key ingredients: a beginning, middle part and THE END.
When I now think of all the machinima ideas I had in mind prior to this drama, all I can see the word "CANCELLED" written in red text above their imaginary screenshots. The XT002 movie is an exception. For it, I see only static with red pixels here and there.
Destruction brings rebirth.
Rebirth brings dead murlocs.
You know the rules and so do I.
Rebirth brings dead murlocs.
You know the rules and so do I.

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Huzzah! Drinks are on me!
Hell yes! I'll drink to that!
movies with a plot ? wtf are u smoking ?
Can i haz Kake Buk followup pleaz ?(it's only part wow, let's call it "transition time" !)
More seriously, I would be thrilled by this if I knew for sure there's some platforme better than wow for machinima, the fact is I don't.
Da best weed mon !
Just got off the phone from Shepiwot. He is going to stop if you do.
Olibith said...
Da best weed mon !
Blogger Lee said...
Just got off the phone from Shepiwot. He is going to stop if you do.
dude thats not funny!!!
I'd like to see a Dragon age machinima, there is a toolset for DAO.
I'm glad you got your account back, but I'm still kinda sad thinking that you might not finish that XT video. :( Ah well, can't force creativity I suppose.
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