179 - Looking for TWO female voice actresses!
Oh damn, I so hate getting ideas this "late".
I've filmed now about a minute of the series. I realized that things would work a lot better with real voices than the solution I have now.. so please read on :)
If YOU are a female, want to be a kickass character who kicks ass (by shooting machine guns and driving cars) in the lovely company of Olibith & Drewbie, you might be the one I'm looking for!
Please contact me ASAP at baronsoosdon (a) gmail d0t com. If you have done any machinima voice acting before, please include a link to your previous work(s). I hope that you'll be able to do your role in the future too as this is a series.
I can't give a good estimate on how fast I'll be able to produce the episodes - it really depends on the craziness and amount of action or other "hard shots" in it.
As for the series, I don't want to reveal anything about it till later date.
Hopefully it's not a problem for you to speak out profanities and other foul things :)