Tuesday, September 30, 2008

249 - The Device Has Been Nominated

"... we are happy to inform you that your Film "The Device has been Modified" has been nominated for this year's Machinima Filmfestival in the following categories:

Best Editing

The Winners for the individual categories will be announced on November 1st at the official Awards Ceremony at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology in New York.

A list of nominated movies as well as a list of judges for the final awards will soon be made available at the official festival website at http://festival.machinima.org."

Monday, September 22, 2008

248 - New PC

Ok kids, tocays subject is computer pornography. My new PC arrived today, so let's start with some really dirty and raunchy pics..

The packaging is still on, oh yeah!

More things are revealed.. details get dirtier.. Ooh yeah, take the packaging off!

OH YEAH BABY! Parts are showing!

The whole saldo was 4GB of ram, 1TB of HDD space, a quadcore Q6600 processor, a MSI P35 Neo mobo and that Antec Sonata case.

I have still some (lots) of filming to do with No Point, so until it's been completed my ancient 7600GT will serve in the new PC. When the shootings are done, the 8800GTX on the current pc will find it's way there.


And with this storage space and all.. I guess I really gotta consider doing some storyline machinimas.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

247 - Gnome'n'Kodo

Last year a ram for Horde.. now a kodo for Alliance!

Is there someone even riding that thing? o.O

..and if there is, how can you see anything behind that armoring?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

246 - Perrkele!

Tein hieman hävytöntä itsensämainostamista ja täten tekotaiteellinen roskani pilaa eDomea artikkelin muodossa.

Mitään varsinaista uutta tai kohupaljastuksia jutussa ei ole - jos et usko niin lue se tästä.

eDomelaiset pyysivät meikäläistä kirjoittelemaan juttua WoW-machinimasta noin yleensä. Julkaisupäivästä ei ole mitään hajua, homma on vasta työn alla allekirjoittaneen osalta :)

And briefly in English:

I shamelessly selfpromoted myself to the Finnish gaminh e-magazine called eDome. They were interested and featured a couple of my machinimas on their site.

The article does not reveal anything new so you guys and girls won't be missing anything :)

In addition to that article, eDome asked me to write an article about WoW-machinima in general. It will also be in Finnish. I have no release date for it yet, but my plan is to feature machinima from the early days to the latest productions.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

245 - Vimeo is targeting machinima now


I received mail from them that following "gameplay videos" by me (as they are not porn, hatemail or commercial advertising) were removed:

Rage & Rapture

The Scarlet Thorn
Chilled Escapism
Sunday Break

-update (16th sept, 13:15 GMT+2): more victims-
Final Warcraft VI
(DEFINITELY not machinima.. yeah right :D)
World of Advent Dropzone Fantasy
(well, this certainly is not machinima - no joking)

These non-machinima videos were removed too:
WoW GFX Setting Macros
BWL: The Last Ride (damn, that took long for them to notice)
Destination Naxxramas

The four first movies are in my book very clearly machinima. Even though they are people walking / flying stuff, I can honestly say that I did put some effort into making them.

I hate to do this to you - I always want to deliver possibilities to watch my videos in highest quality possible (in adidtion to downloading).

Vimeo will no longer be an option for me.
This sucks as much as the entire discography of Linkin Park played simultaneously!

update 17th september, 02:14 am Finland time:
Got an other mail from Vimeo..

Now they had decided that my movies were machinima after all and they are returned to the site..


Thursday, September 11, 2008

244 - Flying Over Northrend

They wanted me to make a flyover/people walking video about Northrend..

..so I DID!

Download here!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

243 - Deadline is Dead

Kilh won.

Here's the rickroll.

Here's the movie:

EPIXX - Too Fast For Love from Kilh Machinima on Vimeo.

"That was like How To Paladin 40 crossed with Hitchhiker's Guide with satanic influence."

..is one of the amazing comments this epic piece of work has achieved in WoW Insider!

That's right ladies!

See Kilh's Claydump Blog for more info!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

242 - Deadline is close!

(not photoshopped by me btw - credits go to whoever made it)

is the day when the EPIXX-contest ends!

And some last minute clarifications:
- please submit your movie with (at least)
one stream and one download link
- you can post the movie wherever you want before the deadline
- if you win, you must post it to all big machinima sites
(WCM, machinima.com, WeGame etc)
- boobs
- this contest is serious business
- the movie must have no musical rickroll
- linkin park sucks and is emo
- more boobs

Monday, September 1, 2008

241 - Destination Naxxramas

Vimeo (you can download it there)

Yea. It's been an while since my last PvE movie. I wanted to make one from TBC.. and ironically it's from a pre-TBC instance ;D

Here you have it, lv70 pewpew in Naxx before it moves to Northrend.

I've always wanted to go to Naxx. I finally got my chance when the people at Twilight's Hammer started to arrange runs there! They are doing AQ40 as well, gotta go see it someday.

Picture by Harikari :)