I've finally done it and moved on.
The time has come for me to start using After Effects for doing all the compositing work in my future movies.

I don't know why I did not use it before, but now the time felt correct. Maybe, because there is something big being on the horizon :)

AE is absolutely amazing compared to Vegas in terms of tools and all that jazz. AE loves to crash a lot, but it also just does some things so amazingly better than Vegas. No need to turn back at all!
Click here for a bit bigger version.
(This is an actual scene from the machinima)
I started to work on a music video. It's gonna be very surrealistic and all, so I can go crazy with all the effect hoodoo within AE.
The tutorials at
Video Copilot are very useful, but I really do not want to copy the things shown on the tutorials 1:1. In my case that might not be entirely possible as there is a LOT to learn.
This current work-in-progress movie is good "target practice" for Unpuntable 2 and something still unannounced.
I've completed the first minute of this video and it is nothing but composited scenes of WoW / Unreal Tournament 2004 + 3 footage. It has taken long :)
The next set of screenshots will be made available to you when the next minute is done.