Not Photoshopped.
5.7K+ YouTube subscribers.
Gone in an instant. *poof*
Without no e-mail explaining why.
I have sent an inquiry to YouTube via their extrefuckingmely-hard-to-find complaint form. Oh wait, that is actually not a complaint form - you could just tick some boxes. If this was a copyright problem, I thought they'd just disable the video in question and/or send a notification about it.

Search function is your friend, so I used it! A lot of other users have the same issue as well, accoutn shut down without any warnings before or after.
This has to be said first - I am not emoing, raging or angry at the moment. Just extremely, EXTREMELY disappointed. Hell, I'm not even drunk.
I always thought that I would quit (WoW) machinima on my own terms, when I want, when I had achieved enough and made all the movies that had to be made. Therefore, I have made this decision: if I am not getting my YouTube account back, World of Gnomecraft 2.0 will be the last WoW-machinima you will ever see from me.

The reason for this is just the p0w3r of teh internets. Using all those subscribers is (was?) a good thing to get the word out of new videos and other stuf..
Making a new account is not an option, there is just no way to get those subscribers back. Sucks - but life does that a lot apparently :)
If this is the universes way of saying "lol go on, find another engine" - so be it!
This may be a goodbye to WoW-moviemaking, but not to machinima or video editing in general.
We shall see. I just want an explanation from them.
I guess this is it then!

I'm not giving up that easily, I did reply to this mail though - hoping for a reply.
Update 2!
Almost forgot about the unfinished stuff while mrgrlglrglrl'ing to YouTube. Let's go through them in order
The Palest Horse - definitely not cancelled! Almost every voice has been recorded and I'm ready to move on with this. Even if this YouTube drama is means the end for my music videos and stuff like that, I sure as hell am not going to quit without making at least one full-length plot machinima.
The Ballad of XT-002: Very Bad Toys - after the YT drama, I don't know. Probably not. I did come up with some great ideas for the unfilmed parts, but I can live without finishing this movie.
There are also two other unfinished machinimas on my HD, which I think I'll release as they are. I haven't touched those two in months.
In case YouTube was the only way for you to watch my machinimas, no worries! Almost all of them are stored elsewhere on the interenets.