The basic idea for TFH came pretty quickly after the announcement of the Halloween contest at Warcraftmovies.

I wanted to make something haunting, disturbing and bloody. Without voice acting, using only music and ambient sounds to support the imagery. Influences were taken from almost everywhere: from music, survival horror games and of course (psychological) horror movies. One of my important goals was to get the horror to go inside the viewer's head.

For quite a while I had a real lack of inspiration to finish this movie. But suddenly it came back with a revenge. Then I just filmed and edited the movie in about one day. Unfortunately that shows a bit in the end result.
Also, the time limit of four minutes did not allow me to have the ending for the movie I wanted it to have.

TFH was very interesting to make! Once again I learned something new - how to decapitate people in Vegas. Very important for my future projects.

Technically I used mostly very simplistic methods to film the movie. A great amount of it is filmed in-game, only the scenes at the end include heavy modelviewing.

The colors played a big part here. As the movie happens at night and it is raining, blue tones were the thing I was looking for. It also added to the athmosphere quite nicely.

And this brings me to the big question - should I remake the movie? I still have the files, and I do have some ideas on how to extend it.
Someone at
WoW Insider gave an interesting idea - the movie could have worked better with a film-noirish type narration. Why not indeed! There are director's cuts and extended editions of real movies so why not machinima then :)

Though I will certainly not work on TFH again yet. But there are always more heads to decapitate and hearts to eat >:)
Currently Istill need to get started on my Fabled Few movie, currently I lack music and a finetuned idea.
EMOQQWHINETIME!I've also been rofling and giving the finger at the comments on WCM. "ZOMG J00 SHOULD RLY MAEK A PLOT LI3N MOVIE LOLOL!!11".
Well, for starters making one - especially in a bigger scale - is not the easiest job. First you need the most essential thing - a script. Then the script needs to be read through, tweaked and so on to find out what is essential to the plot and what is not. Should the movie require voice actors, then it is time to look for them. This can be either an easy or a hard job - from my point of view, the voices need to be perfect.
I can't expect to get Hollywood quality for free but I need to get close to that as possible, since shitty voice acting can ruin everything.
One of the things I aim for a plot-line movie is that it must be a movie of it's own. I have no interest in doing a series because it might get really screwed up if/when voiceactors disappear to nowhere in the middle of the project. Also, if I lose interest at some point in making a possible series, the viewers will be let down. Though I have done this crime already twice.. (Two Gnomes & Tauren + CotD: Op Scholo - both series currently on indefinite hold).
An independent movie allows it to have a beginning and an end. Also the option for sequels is always there.
Yes - I do have a plotline movie in mind. Currently it only exists as a rough synopsis on my HD with most of the material still in my degraded brain cells. I have many ideas for the movie, one of them is to re-introduce a certain draenei / blood elf couple in a side role..
As long as no one is paying me for this, I inted to do as much pointless movies as I want to. Hell, even if it just to annoy those "QQ THIS SUXX NO LINKIN PARK I DO NOT GET IT"-people.
p.s. Now I got it..! My next movie will be about a pink-haired gnome in a pink-haired dress whining about Britney using sped up audio! What an excellent idea, I'm gonna promote myself from the 'emperor of universe' to 'THE emperor of universe plus everything else'!