Surrender your gnomes to me.. NOW!
Update: My gnome hunting is going great, currently the (body)count is 43 gnomes from both EU and US!
Also, the gnome hunting got mentioned in WoW Insider.
Almost right after No Point is completed and released, I will start to work on a music video. It will be something that I've never done before.
And therefore, I need your gnomes!
I'm gonna be honest:
that poor gnome of yours is going to get killed on the video.. with style :)

Olibith righ there is an excellent example for everyone!
In order to get your gnome to me, do the following:
- Get yourself a copy of WoW model viewer
- Create your gnome in it, make sure that he or she wears the correct clothing on your realm (no custom mixed up sets or classes please) and has the correct face
- If your gnome is wearing a headpiece which covers the entire face (for example the warrior t6 helm) consider leaving it off
- To get your gnome to me, save your character in model viewer and send that file to me (using rapidshare, megaupload, filebeam etc), put the link to the comments of this post or send it as a private mail via YouTube, WCM or IRC
- No level restriction on the gnome, lowlevel alts are fine
- This is important - name the file like this: Nameofgnome_Server_location (for example: Fluffypuff_EU-Gnomeregan, Legolashunter_US-Magtheridon etc) - this is for crediting purposes. Yes, you will get your name on the credits.
- I can't guarantee that every gnome will get to die in the video, but I'll do my best. The biggest issue is be that the new model viewer shows some of the glows & particles wrong which leads to mmmrggllgglgl with chromakeying.
I won't reveal the song or anything till the music video is released. The dying gnome thing is just a small (pun intended) part of the video :)