Lots of stuff already happened till now even though it's early in the morning (11am):
1) Snoman's
Wandering Dreamsape 2: Epheme.. Empheme.. Epehme.. JUST DOWNLOAD THE MOVIE MKAY? Right this way,
click here please :)
Needless to say that the movie is perfect, right? :)
2) The Fedex delivery girl (yes, it was a girl!) delivered me a Geforce 8800 GTX card today. For free! Or sort of, in order to get it I had to make a certain video for a machinima contest. Pics below (the quality sucks, mobile phone cameras FTL):

This thing is going to suck the entire Finnish power network dry as soon as I turn my computer on with it. Well, that is one way to get to the news :)
Random bonus loot! Some nice little screwdriver thingies to poke yourself in the eye, two light-blinking Nvidia lights, Lego Keychains and a bigger keychain thingie with a light. Plus two mouse mats!
edit: grGLrgLRG! Where are my manners?!
/target self /slap THANKS to everyone who voted for me :D
3) Vegas crashed overnight.
This time at 51% - at least I'm making progress (last time it was around 31%) :D
Anyways, since the new card arrived I have more excuses to re-install Windows.
An idea of switching to Vista entered my mind for 0.00001 seconds. After that I had to listen to some Linkin Park and cut myself with an used plastic fork in a dark corner for punishment.