196 - Rage & Rapture

Excellent work by Keora - see more of her works from this address!
There is someting that looks like a plot in this music eerie, creepy little music video: an undead shadowpriestess blows up foul alliance and other fiendish things with an instacast shadownova.
Keep your eyes wide shut and you might see some companion cubes too!
Last but not least - this video is made to /salute the champion of shadowpriests, Beckon. He was/is one of the few PvP dudes whose videos (the PvPriest series) I liked to watch.
Beckon is also the reason why I rolled a shadowpriest.
Vimeo stream, in HD!
HD720p x264 - Filefront Download (100 mb)
HD720p XViD - Filefront Download (205 mb)
The whole thing took 11 hours+ to render.
More streams + downloadable versions are coming.
Earlier posts about Rage & Rapture (from latest to oldest):
Even more screenshots
Announcement + first set of sceenshots